Pros and Cons of Going Vegan

Pros and Cons of Going Vegan

Vegans choose their diet, and lifestyle, for a number of reasons, including the desire to eat a healthier diet, for environmental concerns, and prevention of cruelty to animals. While there are commonly known pros and cons of going vegan, there are some lesser known...
Benefits of Aloe Vera and How to Use It

Benefits of Aloe Vera and How to Use It

The long list of known benefits of aloe vera, and the fact that ancient peoples recognized the benefits of aloe vera and how to use it likely leads to its continued use today. While many sources typically mention common uses for aloe vera, there are lesser-known uses...
How to Naturally Whiten Teeth at Home

How to Naturally Whiten Teeth at Home

Getting a whiter smile doesn’t mean having to sit underneath the bright lights at the dentist’s office, there are plenty of teeth whitening techniques you can do from home. Rather than spending big bucks, whitening teeth at home is cost effective. Here are 5...