7 Easy Habits To Boost Your Health

7 Easy Habits To Boost Your Health

For thousands of years people stayed in constant motion just to survive. We humans are still built to move. But in a time when many of us work sitting down all day, we might need some help! Here are 7 healthy habits guaranteed to put some spring back in your step and...
What You Need to Know About Exercise Bands

What You Need to Know About Exercise Bands

An exercise band, or resistance band, adds impedance to any pushing or pulling exercise designed to strengthen or tone a muscle. As the athlete stretches the band, the tension increases in both the band and the muscles. Several types of workouts involve the use of an...
What Are the Best Muscle Building Ab Workouts?

What Are the Best Muscle Building Ab Workouts?

There isn’t just one ab workout that works and, while many have tried to come up with the perfect ab workout, there are plenty of different exercises that help build muscle. Between the bicycle crunch, pike, and plank, there are numerous exercises that create a muscle...
What are the Benefits of Alkaline Water?

What are the Benefits of Alkaline Water?

If you have any interest in the new and rising trends in healthy living, you’ve probably already heard about alkaline water. But what makes this water, touted by some to be even more beneficial than regular drinking water, so special? Let’s take a closer look at what...
7 Exercises You Can Do At Your Desk

7 Exercises You Can Do At Your Desk

It can be a difficult challenge to try and lose weight. The obesity epidemic is very real and can lead to severe health consequences. Some of these include high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. Those who would like to avoid these health problems down the...